
CDC issues Super Bowl watch party guidelines amid COVID-19 pandemic


Super Bowl Sunday is fast approaching, and while many families and groups of friends have traditions to watch the big game together, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said you may not want to do that this year because of the coronavirus pandemic.

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The CDC has issued some guidelines if you still want to celebrate the matchup between the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and the Kansas City Chiefs, but to do so in a safe manner.

The CDC suggests hosting a virtual Super Bowl watch party. You can wear the team colors and jerseys, and set up a Zoom or other online conference call to watch live with your family and friends. You can also text each other during the game.

You can also have an outdoor viewing party, the CDC says.

But if you go that route, the center says to stay six feet apart and show the game on a projector screen.

If you are part of a large gathering, the CDC says to call the location you’re going to, to make sure they are taking steps to prevent the spread of the virus and abide by the rules set by the venue. Arrive early to avoid crowding and congestion. Don’t use the restrooms during high-traffic times like halftime, and try not to cheer and chant. Stomp, clap and use hand-held noisemakers instead.

>> Related: Fauci warns against attending Super Bowl parties amid pandemic: ‘Now is not the time to do that’

The CDC suggests limiting alcohol consumption and using touchless payment methods when able.

It doesn’t matter which venue, or whether it is inside or outside, the CDC reminds everyone to wear masks over the nose and mouth when in a group of people with whom you don’t live.

Also, avoid any direct contact. That means no handshakes, hugs, or even high-fives, with people outside of the household.

Wash your hands frequently, or use hand sanitizer; don’t touch your eyes, nose, masks or mouth; and get your flu and COVID-19 shots when available.

For more recommendations, click here.

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