
Coronavirus: Animal shelters could use foster homes for pets during pandemic social distancing


Because of the COVID-19, or new coronavirus, pandemic, some animal rescues have had to cancel events and close for business.

Now they’re looking for help to take care of animals that have no home.

As people are practicing social distancing, they could take the time to get closer to an animal and be a foster pet parent, WBAL reported.

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Baltimore is among the cities looking for people to foster animals. Other cities include New York City, Phoenix, St. Louis, Memphis, Tennessee, Norfolk, Virginia, and Austin, Texas, Huffington Post reported.

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Not only will the pets benefit, but some animal advocates also say it will be good for the foster families, too.

“Having a pet around ... is good for your head,” Eric Rayvid, a spokesperson for Best Friends Animal Society, told Huffington Post. “It’s going to take you out of yourself a little bit. If you get a dog, it’s going to force you to go outside. If you get a cat, it’s going to force you to spend some time cuddling.”

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Julie Castle, the CEO of Best Friends Animal Society, told People magazine, that if you are not sure if you’re ready for a permanent pet, this is the perfect opportunity.

“If you don’t have a pet and are thinking about getting one, now is the perfect time to ‘try it on’ by fostering from your local shelter,” Castle told People magazine.

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Experts at the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals said dogs and cats can’t get sick from COVID-19, and they can’t pass it on to humans, as far as they know. But if you test positive, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says it is best that you don’t interact with any pets and have someone else in your home temporarily take care of them.

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