Coronavirus: Canada says it won’t send athletes to 2020 Olympic Games

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More than 307,000 people worldwide -- including more than 26,000 people in the United States -- have been infected with the new coronavirus, and the number of deaths from the outbreak continues to rise. Live updates for Sunday, March 22, continue below.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is tracking cases in the U.S. here.

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Live updates for Sunday, March 22, continue below:

Canada says it won’t send athletes to 2020 Olympic Games

Update 10:23 p.m. EDT March 22: The Canadian Olympic Committee threatened Sunday to not send any athletes to the Tokyo Games if they are not postponed for a year, the first country to take such action.

The group said it would not be safe for athletes, “their families and the broader Canadian community for athletes to continue training for these Games. In fact, it runs counter to the public health advice which we urge all Canadians to follow.”

Canada brought 314 athletes who combined to win 22 medals to the Rio Games in 2016.Global Athlete, a worldwide group representing potential Olympic athletes, has also asked the International Olympic Committee to postpone the games.

The IOC said earlier Sunday it would make its decision whether to postpone the 2020 games in the next few weeks.

The Tokyo Olympics are set to begin July 24.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

US coronavirus deaths surpass 400

Update 9:40 p.m. EDT March 22: More than 410 people in the U.S. have died from the coronavirus, according to CNN.

Leading the nation is New York with 117 deaths, followed by Washington state with 95 and 30 in California, according to Johns Hopkins University’s world coverage map.

There are more than 330,000 confirmed cases worldwide and 14,490 total dead.

McDonald’s to temporarily close UK, Ireland restaurants as coronavirus spreads

Update 8:26 p.m. EDT March 22: McDonald’s, the world’s most popular restaurant, is taking the unprecedented step of temporarily closing all of its restaurants in the United Kingdom and Ireland as the coronavirus continues to spread.

The restaurants will be closed starting at 7 p.m. Monday, company officials said.

“This is not a decision we are taking lightly, but one made with the well-being and safety of our employees in mind as well as in the best interests of our customers,” officials said on social media.

There are 1,270 restaurants in the U.K. that employ 135,000 people, the BBC reported.

There are 5,736 confirmed coronavirus cases in the UK and 906 in Ireland, according to the Johns Hopkins world map.

Senate fails to approve $1.5 trillion coronavirus spending bill

Update 7:08 p.m. EDT March 22: After days of negotiating, the Senate failed to advance a nearly $1.5 trillion emergency spending bill Sunday.

Democrats said the bill does not go far enough to provide health care and unemployment aid and have questions about a $500 billion “slush fund” for corporations, The Associated Press reported.

Sen. Mitt Romney to quarantine after Rand Paul tests positive for coronavirus

Update 5:38 p.m. EDT March 22: Utah Sen. Mitt Romney will immediately start to self-quarantine after Sen. Rand Paul tested positive for the coronavirus.

Romney sat next to Paul for an extended amount of time recently. Paul announced earlier Sunday he had tested positive for the virus.

Romney does not show any symptoms but will be tested.Romney will not vote on the Senate floor while he is quarantined.

Sen. Mike Lee, also from Utah, will self-quarantine as well.

Harvey Weinstein in isolation after testing positive for coronavirus

Update 5:14 p.m. EDT March 22: Former movie producer Harvey Weinstein is in isolation after testing positive for the coronavirus after being tested at the New York prison where he is an inmate.

Weinstein is in isolation at Wende Correctional Facility, where he is serving a 23-year sentence for rape and sexual assault, the Niagara Gazette reported.

He is one of two inmates who have tested positive. There are more than 15,000 confirmed cases of the coronavirus and 114 deaths in New York.

Texas governor opens more hospital beds, says National Guard will help at testing facilities

Update 4:50 p.m. EDT March 22: Texas Gov. Greg Abbott issued two executive orders Sunday to ease restrictions to open more hospital beds and suspend nonessential medical treatments, KHOU reported.

Abbott also said National Guard troops will help at hospitals and testing facilities, KVUE reported.

There are 334 confirmed coronavirus cases and six deaths in Texas, KXXV reported.

Tennessee Gov. Lee orders statewide closures

Update 3:50 p.m. EDT March 22: Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee signed an executive order for business across the state to use alternative measures from midnight Monday to April 6, WHBQ reported.

“The COVID-19 pandemic has created both an economic and a health crisis and our response must continue to address both aspects,” Lee said. “Our goal is to keep the public, especially vulnerable populations, safe while doing everything possible to keep Tennesseans in a financially stable position.”

The order prohibits social gatherings of 10 or more people and orders restrictions to restaurants, bars, and similar food and drink establishments, the television station reported. Businesses can only offer drive-thru, take-out or delivery options, Lee said.

Gyms and fitness/exercise centers or similar facilities are to temporarily close and suspend in-person services until April 6, according to WHBQ.

Louisiana Gov. Edwards orders closing of nonessential businesses

Update 3:33 p.m. EDT March 22: Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards issued a stay-at-home order due to the coronavirus that will begin Monday at 5 p.m. At a Sunday afternoon news conference, Edwards also issued an order to close all nonessential businesses in the state until April 13, KLFY reported. Nonessential businesses include all outdoor and indoor entertainment venues; including playgrounds, amusement parks, aquariums, zoos, pool halls, race tracks, adult entertainment venues, and carnivals, CNN reported.

NY passes Washington state with most COVID-19 deaths

Update 3:13 p.m. EDT March 22: New York state’s coronavirus death toll has reached 114, passing Washington state and accounting for a third of all U.S. fatalities during the pandemic. The Washington Post reported. An increase in confirmed coronavirus cases in New York showed the state now accounts for approximately 5% of coronavirus cases worldwide, The New York Times reported.

Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine announces ‘stay at home’ order

Update 2:57 p.m. EDT March 22: Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine announced a “stay at home” order for the state, WHIO reported. Amy Acton, director of the Ohio Department of Health, signed a stay-at-home order for Ohio that will go into effect Monday at 11:59 p.m. and will last until April 6, the television station reported.

IOC will make decision on Olympics within next 4 weeks

Update 2:46 p.m. EDT March 22: The International Olympic Committee announced in a letter to athletes from President Thomas Bach that it will make a decision whether to postpone the 2020 Tokyo Games at some point in the next four weeks.

“The IOC will, in full coordination and partnership with the Tokyo 2020 Organizing Committee, the Japanese authorities and the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, start detailed discussions to complete its assessment of the rapid development of the worldwide health situation and its impact on the Olympic Games, including the scenario of postponement,” the IOC said in the letter. “The IOC is confident that it will have finalized these discussions within the next four weeks, and greatly appreciates the solidarity and partnership of the NOCs and IFs in supporting the athletes and adapting Games planning.”

The Tokyo Olympics are set to begin July 24. Bach said in the statement that canceling the games was not under consideration.

Spain to extend state of emergency for 15 days

Update 2:30 p.m. EDT March 22: Spain’s prime minister announced plans to extend the country’s state of emergency for 5 more days, CNN reported. Pedro Sanchez made the announcement in a televised broadcast Sunday after meeting with health and security officials. Sanchez said he expected Parliament to approve his request, according to CNN. Spain’s state of emergency has been in effect for more than a week.

Angela Merkel self-isolates after physician tests positive

Update 2:16 p.m. EDT March 22: German Chancellor Angela Merkel is self-isolating at home after a doctor who administered a pneumonia vaccine tested positive, The New York Times reported. The announcement came after Germany barred groups of more than two people from gathering, the newspaper reported.

The doctor vaccinated Merkel, 65, against pneumonia Friday, the chancellor’s office said.

Sen. Rand Paul confirms he tested positive for COVID-19

Update 1:54 p.m. EDT March 22: Sen. Rand Paul has tested positive for the coronavirus, his office announced on Twitter. He is the first U.S. senator to test positive for COVID-19.

“Senator Rand Paul has tested positive for COVID-19,” Paul’s office wrote on his Twitter account. “He is feeling fine and is in quarantine. He is asymptomatic and was tested out of an abundance of caution due to his extensive travel and events. He was not aware of any direct contact with any infected person.”

"He expects to be back in the Senate after his quarantine period ends and will continue to work for the people of Kentucky at this difficult time," the tweet said.

According to the tweet, no staff has had contact with Paul since his office began working remotely 10 days ago.

Placido Domingo confirms he tested positive for COVID-19

Update 1:41 p.m. EDT March 22: Spanish opera singer Placido Domingo confirmed he tested positive for coronavirus, Billboard reported. In a note, Domingo said he suffered from a fever and coughing. He encouraged his fans to keep their distance, wash their hands and observe best practices set by healthcare professionals. “Together we can fight this virus and stop the current worldwide crisis, so we can hopefully return to our normal daily lives very soon,” he writes. “Please follow your local government’s guidelines and regulations.”

Pelosi: No deal yet on stimulus package; House to draft own bill

Update 12:42 p.m. EDT March 22: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told reporters there was still no deal Sunday on a coronavirus economic stimulus bill, The Hill reported. Pelosi said Democrats in the House will draft a bill she hopes will mesh with the proposal being negotiated in the Senate.

“We’ll be introducing our own bill and hopefully it will be compatible with what they discuss on the Senate side,” Pelosi told reporters.

Pelosi attended a meeting that included the top four congressional leaders and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, CNN reported.

Cuomo: ’This is not a joke’ about social distancing

Update 11:38 a.m. EDT March 22: New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo issued stern rebuke to people in the state who have been ignoring social distancing and continue to gather in public places.

"This is not life as usual,' Cuomo said during a news conference Sunday. “You would not know that anything at all is going on,” judging from the crowds at parks and beaches.

“It is insensitive. It is arrogant and disrespectful,” Cuomo said. “This is not a joke and I am not kidding.”

Nashville mayor issues ‘safer at home’ order

Update 11:22 a.m. EDT March 22: Nashville Mayor John Cooper announced a 14-day “Safer at Home Order,” which closes non-essential businesses in the Music City, WZTV reported. “I’m asking you to please stay in your home, except to go out for essential needs,” Cooper tweeted.

Under the order, all businesses performing what officials have deemed nonessential services will close, and social gatherings of 10 or people will be prohibited, Cooper said. The mayor said there were 179 confirmed cases of coronavirus in Davidson County during a news conference on Sunday morning.

Pope Francis urges faithful to recite Lord’s Prayer on Wednesday

Update 11:06 a.m. EDT March 22: During his weekly Sunday blessing, Pope Francis urged Christians to join in reciting the Lord’s Prayer at noon Wednesday, The Guardian reported. “To the virus pandemic, we want to respond with the universality of prayer, of compassion, of tenderness,” the pontiff said. The pope also said he would lead a global blessing to an empty St. Peters Square on Friday.

FEMA official won’t give timeline on mask delivery

Update 9:53 a.m. EDT March 22: Peter Gaynor, an official with the Federal Emergency Management Agency, said the federal government is shipping protective masks to health-care institutions but declined to give a timeline, The Washington Post reported. “They have been shipping. We’re trying to focus those shipments on the most critical hot spots in the country. … They’re shipping today, they shipped yesterday, they’ll ship tomorrow,” Gaynor said on ABC News’ “This Week.”

Gaynor also said the government was “prepared to go to zero in the stockpile to meet demand,” the newspaper reported.

French doctor dies from COVID-19

Update 8:55 a.m. EDT March 22: Olivier Véran, France’s health minister, announced that one of the country’s doctors died from coronavirus Saturday night, CNN reported. “This is a first, as far as I know,” said Véran, who did not provide any details about the doctor.

Reported cases on rise again in Hong Kong

Update 8:19 a.m. EDT March 22: Health officials in Hong Kong said Sunday there are 44 more confirmed cases of the coronavirus, CNN reported. The report brings the city’s total case number to 317. Officials said 29 of the 44 new cases were travel-related, with infected persons traveling to North America and Europe, according to Chuang Shuk-Kwan of the Center for Health Protection. Forty-eight new cases were reported Friday.

First cases reported on Gaza Strip

Update 6:55 a.m. EDT March 22: Officials in the Gaza Strip reported the first two coronavirus cases, The New York Times reported. Aid workers are concerned the densely populated area could cause the COVID-119 to spread and cause a medical disaster, the newspaper reported. The two Palestinians who tested positive, ages 53 and 78, had come to the area from Pakistan and entered Gaza through Egypt, the Times reported.

Trump writes Kim Jong Un, offers to help North Korea in virus fight

Update 6:27 a.m. EDT March 22: According to The New York Times, President Trump sent a letter to Kim Jong Un, expressing his willingness to help North Korea battle the coronavirus. “I would like to extend sincere gratitude to the U.S. president for sending his invariable faith to the Chairman,” said Kim Yo-jong, the North Korean leader’s sister and policy aide, in a statement carried by North Korea’s state-run Korean​ Central​ News Agency. In the letter, the president “wished the family of the Chairman and our people well-being,” the Times reported, quoting the North Korean leader’s sister.

Guam confirms first coronavirus death

Update 5:28 a.m. EDT March 22: The U.S. Pacific territory of Guam confirmed its first death due to coronavirus, The New York Times reported. Island officials said a 68-year old woman with underlying health issues had died from COVID-19, the newspaper reported. She was among the 15 confirmed cases of COVID-19 on the island. According to a news release from the island’s governor, the woman was admitted to Guam Memorial Hospital on March 15 and remained in isolation throughout the week, CNN reported.

Colombia reports first coronavirus death

Update 1:24 a.m. EDT March 22: A 58-year-old taxi driver who had driven tourists from Italy has died, becoming Colombia’s first death from the coronavirus.

Colombia’s Ministry of Health said the man had previous health issues including untreated diabetes, The Associated Press reported

Colombia has prohibited non-residents from entering the country. A quarantine starts Tuesday.

There are 210 confirmed cases in the country.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.