
Death of infant ‘decapitated’ in hospital during childbirth ruled homicide

Ruled a homicide. The death of a Georgia infant decapitated during childbirth last summer has been ruled a homicide. (gorodenkoff/Getty Images/iStockphoto)
(gorodenkoff/Getty Images/iStockphoto)

RIVERDALE, Ga. — The death of an infant who was “decapitated” in a suburban Atlanta hospital during childbirth last summer has been ruled a homicide, authorities said Tuesday.

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According to the Clayton County Medical Examiner’s Office, the child died from “a fracture-dislocation with complete transection, upper cervical spine and spinal cord,” WSB-TV reported.

Jessica Ross went into labor with her first child on July 9, 2023, at Southern Regional Medical Center in Riverdale, Georgia, according to the television station.

Roderick Edmond, an attorney for Ross and the infant’s father, Treveon Isaiah Taylor Sr., filed a lawsuit against the facility in August, alleging there were multiple “missteps” taken during her labor.

The lawsuit alleges that the infant, named Treveon Isaiah Taylor Jr., became stuck approximately 10 hours into Ross’ labor, WSB reported. The child was allegedly decapitated when the doctor attempted to extricate him “for several hours,” the lawsuit stated.

The suit alleges that doctors “pulled on the baby’s head and neck so hard and manipulated them so hard, that the bones in the baby’s skull, head and neck were broken,” according to the television station.

Three hours later, doctors performed a Cesarean section, WSB reported.

The lawsuit names Tracey St. Julian, the doctor who delivered the infant, her obstetrician and gynecologist practice, nurses and doctors involved in the birth and the medical facility, WSB reported. It alleges medical negligence and the wrongful death of the baby, adding that the facility attempted to cover up the infant’s decapitation.

In a statement, officials with Southern Regional Medical Center told the television station that “this unfortunate infant death occurred in utero prior to the delivery and decapitation.”

Officials added that St. Julian is not “and never has been” an employee of the hospital.

It was unclear whether charges will be filed in the case, WSB reported.

Riverdale is approximately 12 miles south of Atlanta.