
Gerber Baby search is on; how to submit your little one for the contest

Mosaic of baby photos promoting the Gerber Photo Search.
Gerber Baby Who will be the next Gerber Baby? (Gerber)

Could your child become the face of Gerber?

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The search for the 2024 Gerber Baby has begun, and you have until May 24 to enter.

If your child is chosen, they win $25,000 in cash, a year’s supply of Gerber products and prizes from the company’s partners.

Gerber is also selecting photos that show a child reaching an “Inchstone Moment” or when they have a “tiny triumph — from the cutest nap to the silliest playtime.”

Babies have to be newborns through 2 years old to enter.

All you have to do is visit Gerber’s photo search website, tell the company a little about you and your child, and upload a photo.

Gerber is also giving March of Dimes a $25,000 donation to help the organization’s maternal and infant health programs.

The winner of the 2023 Gerber Baby search was Madison Mendoza of Colorado.