
Kansas City couple got married at Arrowhead Stadium as Chiefs clinched AFC West title

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — A pair of Kansas City Chiefs fans had an extra reason to celebrate as the Chiefs beat the Steelers to win the AFC West title: they got married at the game.

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Jordyn Burnidge and Chad Clauser won a contest that offered them the opportunity to be married at a Chiefs home game, The Kansas City Star reported. The couple first got engaged at the Chief’s home opener in September.

The couple didn’t originally plan on getting married at the game. Clauser’s sister entered her into the contest called “Hitched at Helzberg,” WDAF reported. They not only got to have their wedding at the game, but their wedding bands came from Heltzberg, and the entire cost of the wedding was paid for — approximately $30,000, WDAF reported.

The bride and groom wore team jerseys over their wedding attire, and the bride’s veil incorporated the Chief’s red and gold colors, The Kansas City Star reported.

Now that the couple are married and the Chiefs are heading to the playoffs, Burnidge told WDAF they are looking for one more thing: “I know we can get this win. I know we can make the Super Bowl again. I know I have faith. So go Chiefs!”