
Michigan woman hits Reddit gift exchange jackpot with Bill Gates as Secret Santa

Michigan woman hits Reddit gift exchange jackpot with Bill Gates as Secret Santa Microsoft founder and serial Reddit Secret Santa Bill Gates (Nati Harnik/AP)
(Nati Harnik/AP)

WATERFORD, Mich. — A Michigan woman got all she wanted for Christmas and then some when she discovered her Secret Santa was none other than Microsoft founder Bill Gates.

Shelby, who has asked media outlets not to publish her last name, received an 81-pound package from Gates on Dec. 17 as part of a recent RedditGifts exchange, the Detroit Free Press reported.

According to WDIV-TV, users who participate in the social media platform’s exchange post information about themselves to provide potential Secret Santa personalized gift ideas, and Shelby has, herself, been a Secret Santa to 95 strangers over the years.

She knew something odd was afoot, however, when she received a notification just before Christmas.

“I logged into my tracking page, and I saw the package weighed 81 pounds," Shelby told the news station, adding, "I thought that was really unusual for somebody to overnight an 81-pound package to me. I figured that was probably extremely expensive.”

So what exactly did Shelby receive from her billionaire Secret Santa?

According to the Detroit Free Press, Shelby’s massive haul included:

• Bill’s Deck of Books 2019

• A Harry Potter Santa hat

• The Legend of Zelda Hylian Shield earrings

• Handmade Zelda quilt

• A hammock with bug net

• Almond Roca

• Mint chocolates and other candy

• Toys for her cat

• Seven packs of assorted Oreos

• A cat-themed logic game

• Eight hardcover books

• A manuscript copy of "The Great Gatsby"

• A candle inscribed with a passage from "The Great Gatsby"

• Two adult-level LEGO sets: Harry Potter Microscale Hogwarts and the retired Star Wars UCS R2D2

• Twin Peaks gifts, including an embroidered L.L. Bean jacket worn by crew members during the second season of the show.