Nebraska ice cream shop voted best in the United States of America

The ice cream at Coneflower Creamery is better than it is at your favorite ice cream shop in your town.

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At least, that’s what Yelp says. The social media giant that offers reviews of everything from chainsaw stores to doctors’ offices to taco trucks rated Coneflower of Omaha, Nebraska, among the best in the nation last year, and this year, the little business with two locations in the town of 490,000 walked away with the national title, KETV reported.

Yelp said the rankings are compiled “using businesses in the ice cream category, ranked by total volume, ratings of reviews between Jan. 1, 2022 and March 31, 2023, and more.”

Yelp reviewers are known for taking no prisoners when they don’t like a place. But in this case, their posts sounded like love sonnets.

“It’s ice cream in its most pure form. I can’t even put into words how clean and beautiful this ice cream tastes,” KETV quoted one Yelp reviewer saying.

Nebraska doesn’t have the nation’s most ice-cream-friendly weather, making Coneflower’s title all the more impressive. The winters are ... harsh. But Omaha natives might take a dog sled to Coneflower when they get a powerful craving for a big double cone of butterbrickle, a flavor created in 1920 at Omaha’s Blackstone Hotel, the store’s website said.

“You know the ice cream is amazing when you show up on a 10-degree night and [the place is] packed, KETV reported another Yelp reviewer saying.

What’s your favorite ice cream store in your town? Would you go there in 10-degree weather? Coneflower stands ready to defend its title.