
Paper roses? Arkansas florists create bouquets out of toilet paper


TRUMANN, Ark. — This is a millennial version of paper roses.

It’s not unusual for toilet paper to have floral patterns. But a bouquet of flowers made out of toilet paper? During the coronavirus outbreak, that’s certainly novel.

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A florist shop in Arkansas is offering bouquets of toilet paper, KARK-TV reported. David Faulkner and Bart Faulkner, owners of Blossom Events and Florist in Trumann, are selling a dozen rolls for $75, the television station reported. That is the same price the florists charge for a dozen roses.

“Same element, same base of it,” the brothers told KARK. “Same concept. It has greenery. It has water, it has a vase, it has ribbon. Lots of mechanics on the inside. It took a lot of labor. You just can’t make tissue paper look pretty. You just can’t.”

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The brothers said they have already sold several of the bouquets.

“Why Be Ordinary when You can Be EXTRAordinary?” the shop posted on its Facebook page.

With the recent shortages of paper goods, including bath tissue, one might think the Faulkner brothers have been clearing off the shelves in order to create their two-ply product. However, they insist that is not the case.

The Faulkners said they are couponers, and already had plenty of toilet paper in stock when the crisis hit, KARK reported.

Unlike roses, the toilet paper will not wilt. Plus, they can always be used in an emergency.