Quick look: Who did Trump pardon Tuesday?

President Donald Trump issued several pardons, commutations and clemencies Tuesday.

Here’s a list of who, and why they were serving time:

Former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich

Blagojevich was found guilty in 2011 of 17 corruption charges, accused of trying to sell the Senate seat formerly held by President Barack Obama. Blagojevich was sentenced to 14 years in prison. Trump commuted the sentence, CNN reported.

Michael Milken

Michael Milken is a financier who pleaded guilty to violating securities laws, The Associated Press reported. Milken was the face of the insider trading scandals in the ’80s, CNBC reported. He was originally sentenced to 10 years in prison and fined $600 million, but the jail sentence was cut to two years due to cooperation with federal investigators. Trump pardoned him, saying Milken has done an “incredible job” for cancer research, CNBC reported.

Bernard Kerik

Trump pardoned Bernard Kerik, who was NYPD commissioner under former New York Mayor and current Trump attorney, Rudy Giuliani. Kerik had served about three years for tax fraud and lying to the White House during interviews for him to become Homeland Security secretary, the AP reported.

Kerik thanked Trump on Twitter for the pardon.

Eddie DeBartolo Jr.

Trump pardoned former San Francisco 49ers owner Eddie DeBartolo Jr. who had been found guilty of a corruption charge, NBC News reported. DeBartolo pleaded guilty in 1998 to failing to report a felony when he paid $400,000 to former Louisiana Gov. Edwin Edwards. The payment was in exchange for a riverboat gambling license, the AP reported.

DeBartolo did not serve jail time but was fined $1 million and was suspended by the NFL for a year, The New York Times reported.

David Safavivan

David Safavivan was the former General Services Administration Chief of Staff and was convicted as part of the Jack Abramoff corruption scandal in 2009. He was sentenced to one year in prison on obstruction of justice and making false statement charges, the Department of Justice said in a press release at the time of his sentencing.

Ariel Friedler

Ariel Friedler pleaded guilty to conspiracy to access a protected computer without authorization while he was president and chief executive officer of Simplicity Corporation. He was accused by the Department of Justice of hacking two competitors’ computer systems to “improve his company’s software development and sales strategy.”

Friedler served two months in prison. He was pardoned, according to the White House.

Paul Pogue

Paul Pogue was accused of underpaying his taxes for three years by 10%. Pogue, according to the White House, immediately paid restitution, interest and penalties. He also pleaded guilty and was sentenced to three years probation.

Pogue was granted clemency.

Angela Stanton

Angela Stanton, an author and television personality, was sentenced to six months home confinement for her part in a stolen vehicle ring, according to the White House. She received a pardon.

Tynice Nichole Hall

Tynice Nichole Hall was sentenced to 18 years behind bars for allowing her apartment to be used to distribute drugs. Hall has served 14 years of her sentence, the White House said.

She was granted clemency.

Crystal Munoz

Crystal Munoz was behind bars for 12 years after being convicted for being part of a marijuana smuggling ring, the White House said in a press release.

Munoz was granted clemency.

Judith Negron

Judith Negron was a minority owner of a health care company that was part of a scheme to defraud the government. She has served eight years of the 35-year sentence, according to the White House.

Negron was granted clemency.

Click here for a complete list of all people Trump has pardoned while president.