
Thunderstruck: Dad records baby’s noises for a year, turns it into video of AC/DC song

You’ll be thunderstruck by the youngest person to cover an AC/DC song.

Baby Ryan “sings” the distinctive song by the Australian rock 'n' roll group, thanks to the painstaking efforts of his father, Matt MacMillan.

MacMillan spent a year recording his infant’s laughing and cooing noises, finding the right pitch and blending them into a fabulous video version of the 1990 song, NPR reported.

MacMillan had more than 80 clips of his son to sample, selecting coughs, thumps and rattles, CNN reported. He sorted the other clips by pitch.

Need a bass drum sound? Ryan thumps on the sofa. The infant slaps the floor while crawling to imitate a snare drum. The crash of cymbals? Ryan sneezes.

The video has been viewed more than 1.1 million times since MacMillan posted it on YouTube on Jan. 14.