Two sexual assaults reported at Edmonds Community College in May

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LYNNWOOD, Wash. — For the second time this month, an Edmonds Community College student was sexually assault.

A student reported that on Wednesday, her chest was grabbed at 11:45 a.m. as she walked between Lynnwood Hall and Snohomish Hall.  She said she had never seen the man before, and immediately fled to a nearby building.

“There are so many people walking around [at that time], so that does surprise me,” said one student walking the same path later in the day.

The prior attack on campus was May 2nd.  A woman reported being sexually assaulted in a parking lot.  Lynnwood police are still investigating that case.

In January, a man exposed himself to several students on campus.

Everything that happened so far this year, has students trusting their instincts and keeping an eye out for each other.

“We are always in a big group and we always make sure each one of us gets to our car, and then we drive off together,” said one nursing student.

Lynnwood police are trying to determine if the two most recent sexual assaults are related. The student who reported the assault Wednesday was too shaken up to file a formal report, although a spokesman for the ECC said she is being strongly urged to do so.

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