Washington man bitten by grizzly bear at Montana’s Glacier National Park

WEST GLACIER, Mont. — A hiking party “kept their cool” after a Washington man was bitten by a bear in Montana’s Glacier National Park, a park wildlife biologist said.

The 35-year-old victim was on the Highline Trail with his hiking party on Tuesday, Sept. 19, when he surprised a bear at close range, according to the National Park Service.

The startled bear bit the man below his knee and members of his party drove the animal away with bear spray.

After the attack, the other hikers used a satellite device to contact park dispatch to report what happened and got instructions on how to bandage the wound. They also stopped the wound from bleeding with items from their first-aid kit.

“The hiking party was walking into the wind and faced foggy conditions, which could have contributed to the encounter,” says John Waller, supervisory wildlife biologist. “They were well prepared with bear spray, a satellite communication device, a first aid kit, were hiking as a group, and kept their cool when dealing with the bear.”

With help from rangers and other hikers, the injured man hiked to Granite Park Chalet, where he was met by a helicopter, flown to another location, and then taken by ambulance to the Whitefish hospital.

His injuries were not life-threatening.

Park biologists said that based on information from witnesses, the bear was a grizzly, and most likely a male.

“At this time, no action will be taken against the bear, because it was a surprise encounter,” Waller said.

A section of Highline Trail in the park remains closed until rangers can determine if the grizzly is no longer in the area.